Saturday, February 25, 2012

Toothpaste: Summary

In summary, when you're shopping for toothpaste, consider the following ingredients and their effectiveness.

1. Sodium fluoride - cavity protection.
2. Potassium nitrate - anti-sensitivity.
3. Triclosan - anti-microbial --> reduces plaque, gum disease and bad breath.
4. Hexametaphosphate - whitening.
5. Stannous fluoride - cavities, sensitivity and anti-microbial.

However, the FDA only approves certain formulations.  For example, Colgate is the only toothpaste containing triclosan, and Crest is the only brand using stannous fluoride at this time.  Consult a dentist to answer any questions you might have.

For more information on toothpaste, click here.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Toothpaste: Stannous Fluoride

While Sodium Fluoride helps prevent cavities, the ADA recognizes that Stannous fluoride is cavity fighting too, as well as an anti-sensitivity and anti-microbial.

The Crest Pro-Health line combines stannous fluoride with hexametaphosphate, so it is anti-cavity, anti-sensitivity, anti-microbial, AND stain removing.

However, stannous is not without it's drawbacks.  It can cause temporary staining of its own.  It also may cause sloughing of the mucosa/ skin of the inside of your mouth. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Toothpaste: Hexametaphosphate

If this picture is appealing to you, you may benefit from toothpaste containing hexametaphosphate.

This ingredient is effective against extrinsic (outside) stains on a tooth caused by such things as coffee, tea, soda, and smoking.

If a toothpaste designed for regular use advertises "stain removal" it is utilizing this ingredient.  There is no risk of sensitivity.

On the other hand, products for "whitening", or "bleaching" that are only used for a few days contain a type of oxidizing chemical.  A side effect can be sensitivity.  Opalescence is an example.